Dirty bird makes the dirty 30's

Finally I have eaten KFC in as many countries as I have been in years on this planet. It was a bit of a surprise to even get to eat KFC in Sweden as there are only 2 in the entire country, none of which are near the capital of Stockholm. We took a day trip to Malmo which is a short train ride from Copenhagen and I just on the off chance checked to see where the nearest KFC is, as usually when I get to a new city "KFC near me" is the first thing I put into Google, what do you know there was one nearby!! We had to trek on a bus for 40 mins then walk 25 more to a truck stop in the middle of nowhere... Lockarp was the place. It was like seeing it in a Mirage (photo below) pearing through the trees.

The chicken was some of the nest I've had, clean and tender, but still greasy, but in a good way!

It was a very clean, well presented KFC.

I put this in the top 3. Tied with Amsterdam & Iceland!

Onto the next 30!!!